It’s not the word count of your post, but the context of the characters that matters most. I’m talking about social media reach and engagement, and what it could mean for your business’s brand and bottom line. Some people think the line between “brand” and “business” is blurry or difficult to define, but it’s pretty simple: Your business is your brand, and vice versa. They are the same and go hand in hand. This is most accurate on social media, where whole companies are made and destroyed at the punch of a keyboard and the click of a mouse.
Of course, there’s help to be found and to be hired. By outsourcing social media management, you can find peace of mind in having a professional conduct the cyberspace communications aspect of your brand, which in the case of social media, is like the digital version of your company - what you do, what you represent, and what you value.
We talked about outsourcing and how we can help in our previous blog post “Managing Social Media Accounts Through Outsourcing.” But here we’ll go over a few points in understanding why outsourcing social media management is important to your business, and how you can better understand and exploit the online marketplace of people and their ideas:
Reputation Protection
Customer and employee reviews can be found rather easily for any business online, and are often shared widely through social media. Such sharing can lead to unwanted and completely damaging attention give or take, so having someone in your corner is necessary. Your social media manager can leave gratitude and updates under reviews, comment on a customer’s complaint or praise, and handle any harm to your brand whatsoever through simple management tactics, such as responding to negative feedback.
The Social Media Manager’s mission is to ensure that the reputation of you and your business isn’t just protected, but set up to thrive as the online world moves forward.
Content Alchemy
Your brand may be on social media, but how is it utilizing the available tools? Outsourcing this task to a dedicated manager is the answer. As professionals, dedicated brand and social media managers will have the necessary graphics experience and software tools to not just spruce up your online image, but to build up and expand your entire brand. They will know how to find and use the elements needed to pull everything together, from public notices and fun media activities to private and direct customer service. More than being a communication specialist with a social media focus, a manager has the know-how and skill set to build up your brand.
How best to build, maintain, and strengthen your brand online? With content. With examples of what your business means, through creative methods. A social media manager will know this and will guide your hand and understanding.
From Novice to Master
While a social media manager can manage your online accounts directly, it wouldn’t hurt for them to teach you a thing or two about the attention economy and turning your online fans and friends into clients and customers.
With available analytics and data - usually provided by a social media company’s internal software or a third-party app - a manager can reveal exactly who is attracted to your brand, where they come from, and what else they like. This information is extremely valuable and will help you tailor your real-life business to the tune of your online presence.
These are but a few points, but if implemented strategically and considered well, your brand/business will reap rewards sooner than later. Outsourcing these social media tasks can offer many options and many doors for your business, and can enhance your brand’s online presence along the way.
Milrich Virtual Professionals can do this and more! Just reach out at