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Telecommuter – 4 Must Have Tools For Everyday Success

Writer's picture: Melanie KoerperichMelanie Koerperich

There are some essential tools that every telecommuter should have in their arsenal in order to be successful and efficient. It is important that when you are preparing your home office that you don’t forget these 4 must-have tools for everyday success.

1. All-In-One Printers For Every Telecommuter

Typically, a printer is a staple in any office setting. One with additional capabilities such as scanning and faxing, is a piece that you should not overlook. Regardless of your day to day duties, company setup, or responsibilities, at some point the need to print a hard copy, to fax a signature, or scan a document will arise. Interrupting your workday to drive to the local library or Kinkos is not very conducive to a productive day. Make sure that you have a setup that allows you to gracefully deal with whatever tasks head your way so that you are always prepared and efficient.

2. Telephones

It is one of the most basic tools for telecommuters and it seems this one should go without saying, but it may be something you aren’t as prepared for as you think. You should make sure that what you have is what you need. Some companies may require a landline, while others will provide you with a phone or number to be used only for work. Once you know what your job requirements are and what a typical day at the office for you is, then you will have a better idea of what will work best.

Staying connected will be important since you are not a physical presence in the office. If you are using a cell phone, then you need to make sure that service at home is impeccable. You will also want to make sure that the phone you have or choose has the capabilities that you will need, such as email, internet ready, etc., and the storage to run them smoothly.

3. Internet Connections

It’s safe to say that you won’t be using a carrier pigeon or smoke signals, so staying connected is going to depend on your internet connection. A reliable connection and/or hotspot is going to be vital at staying on top of things. No one wants to miss a deadline because of something that could have been avoided. Do your research and invest wisely in a stable, fast internet connection that will work best for your needs. Additionally, you may need to consider a mobile hotspot, wireless router, and/or signal boosting devices to ensure that you are connected and comfortable throughout your workday.

4. Video Conferencing

Two of the most popular forms of communication in the virtual world are chat or video conferencing. As a telecommuter, your company may specify what you will use, but if they don’t there are several great options. Skype is one of the most common and easy to use forms of messaging, calling, and video conferencing. Other awesome tools that may help keep you connected to the office are Lync,, and Google+ Hangouts. Depending on your needs you’ll be able to use video, voice, or messaging to connect with your co-workers. If you need even more interaction; screen share, sketching, highlighting, webcasts, and live feeds are also available. Check them out to find out which works best for you!

Looking for more tips and tricks? Check out our other blogs here!


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